
Miyagi Fisheries Recovery Zone - New JF Miyagi chairman still rejects zone, claims fisheries now open to corporations

The fisheries recovery zone promoted by Miyagi Prefecture Governor Yoshihiro Murai took a small step toward realization with JF Miyagi's newly selected chairman, Shinetsu Kikuchi.

While still stating opposition to the proposed zone, Mr. Kikuchi claimed that JF is open to corporate participation in Miyagi fish farming but that this can be accomplished under the current structure. So the proposed zone is unnecessary.

Under Mr. Murai's proposed plan, which is already a part of the cabinet recovery plan, JF would give up their monopoly on fish farming permits and corporations would be allowed to team with local fish farmers.

During his gaffe-ridden visit to Mr. Murai, former Cabinet Recovery Commission director Ryu Matsumoto demanded that Miyagi achieve local consensus on the fisheries recovery zone as a condition for getting help from the national commission.

Even though Mr. Kikuchi continues his opposition to the recovery zone, he expressed a willing to meet with Mr. Murai, something that his predecessor acrimoniously refused to do.


Kahoku Online, 2011-7-28, http://www.kahoku.co.jp/news/2011/07/20110728t11033.htm (accessed 2011-7-28)
Yomiuri Online, 2011-7-28, http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/e-japan/miyagi/news/20110728-OYT8T00039.htm (accessed 2011-7-28)

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