
Reconstruction Minister Blasts Tohoku Official — for ‘Bad Manners’

Update: 2011-7-6: Matsumoto resigned

New Reconstruction Minister Ryu Matsumoto lost his temper when Miyagi Governor Murai kept him waiting for a meeting, then blasted the Governor for his lack of manners and failing to remember his military training, and finally threatened to destroy any media company that reported his outburst.

Minister Matsumoto also declared that Governor Murai must reach a consensus on the Fisheries Recovery Zone before the Cabinet Recovery Commission can get involved. Governor Murai is struggling with local fish farmers over allowing corporate participation in Miyagi Prefecture's fish farming.

This incident is symptomatic of the Tokyo establishment's attitude toward both the regions and the news media.

Takashi Mochizuki, The Wall Street Journal, http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2011/07/04/reconstruction-minister-blasts-tohoku-official-for-bad-manners, 2011-7-4 (accessed 2011-7-4)

Searchina, http://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2011&d=0704&f=national_0704_069.shtml, 2011-7-3 (accessed 2011-7-4)

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